How Does Masturbation Opens Portals In Spirit?

A man who cannot control the urge to masturbate or watch pornography are almost always plagued with a sexual devil. Maybe more than one.

In the world of the spirit and according to Jesus Christ: the sexual thought is the same as the sexual act (Matthew 5:28).

When we use the powerful force of imaging something as if it were real, we are actually attracting that which we image into physical being.

When we imagine having sex with another via masturbation, we are actually summoning the power of the spirit realm to manifest the thing we are imagining.

We’ve all heard about the law of attraction by now, made popular from books and movies like The Secret. Well the law of attraction also works with sexual imaginings.

There are such things as sex demons. And the danger in masturbating is that one could inadvertently summon a sex demon to attach itself to you through the act of masturbating.

And once that demon attaches, it is difficult to get it to leave. It will drive you to masturbate, even when you don’t want to. You’ll be hit with urges to play with yourself so powerful that only an orgasm will allow you some temporary relief.

In worst case scenarios the one demon may gather other unclean spirits to itself to also attach to your life. That way it can wrap you tighter in its web of control, making it that much more difficult for you to get free. And many never do (Matthew 12:43-45).

By engaging in those acts of sexual impurity you are giving such evil spirits legal access into your life. And they will remain, causing untold personal pain, guilt and shame until the more powerful force of Jesus Christ is used against them to expel them from your life for good,See other bible verses: Luke 8:29, Luke 9:39 and verse 42; Galatians 5:19-21; 2nd Corinthians 6:17-18.


  1. This is very troubling to read.but it's also what I perceived before. It's very important info because not only am I affected personally by this touchy subject as I'm sure millions of others are affected by the he urge that never seems to go away in my life at least. I have been struggling with masturbation since I was very. Little12 0r13 I'd say..and I'm now 36. I also believe now more than ever that some supernatural force gets in and messes or trys to interfere in my day to day life. I believe that Jesus is my Lord and savior ��. But I am a sinner and I need Jesus more in my life now than ever. And I could use some help from any kind souls that happen to read my comments.i am in a very dark corner in my life atm. It's darker than ever I'd say and I could really use another human to talk to andsoothe my heartacingsinfull ways. Please is there anyone out there? I don't care about age or race or any thing like that I get along with pretty much everyone (one thing I can feel blessed with and love about me). By the way my name is Matt and I'm from North East U .S.a

    1. Contact this number 07060408276 for biblical ways on how I gain my freedom.


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