List Of Bible Historians That You Did Not Know

  • Paul of Tarsus, “Apostle to the Gentiles”, earliest New Testament author 45~65
  • Four Evangelists, traditionally identified as the authors of the canonical gospels 60~125
  • Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, apostolic father 68~107
  • Clement of Rome, bishop of Rome, apostolic father 88~101
  • Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, apostolic father 110~130
  • Polycarp of Smyrna, bishop of Smyrna, apostolic father 110~160
  • Justin Martyr, church father ~165
  • Melito of Sardis, bishop of Sardis, ~180
  • Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon, disciple of Polycarp, apologist 180~202
  • Origen of Alexandria, 185~254, Platonist, controversial during his lifetime, posthumously condemned at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553
  • Tatian, pupil of Justin Martyr, ascetic theologian ~185
  • Athenagoras of Athens, philosopher, apologist ~190
  • Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, excommunicated by Victor I of Rome over the Easter controversy ~196

  • Montanus, self-proclaimed prophet and founder of Montanism, last quarter of 2nd century CE
  • Tertullian, church father, apologist, first Christian writer in Latin, later a Montanist 197~230
  • Hippolytus, church father, sometimes termed the first anti-pope, reconciled with the church and died a martyr 217~236
  • Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, martyr 218~258
  • Clement of Alexandria, church father with gnostic sympathies ~220
  • Novatian, a rigorist and Antipope in 251
  • Dionysius, patriarch of Alexandria, pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church 248~264
  • Paul of Samosata, bishop of Antioch, adoptionist, condemned at 269 Council of Antioch for Christological errors
  • Donatus Magnus, bishop of Carthage, (+355), leader of the Donatists from 313
  • Lactantius, apologist, “Christian Cicero” ~317
  • Arnobius, apologist ~330
  • Eusebius, wrote History of the Church ~325 after the victory of Constantine over paganism and is considered the Christian Herodotus, the first major Church historian


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