List Of Books In The Ethiopian Bible That You Did Not Know

See List Of Books In The Ethiopian Bible Below.....

  1. Genesis
  2. Exodus
  3. Leviticus
  4. Numbers
  5. Deuteronomy
  6. Joshua
  7. Judges
  8. Ruth
  9. I and II Samuel
  10. I and II Kings
  11. I Chronicles
  12. II Chronicles (incl. the Prayer of Manasseh)
  13. Jubilees
  14. Enoch
  15. I Ezra[4]
  16. II Ezra[4]
  17. Ezra Sutuel[4]
  18. Tobit
  19. Judith
  20. Esther
  21. I, II and III Meqabyan (Similarly named, but not the same as the four Greek Books of the Maccabees. )
  22. Job
  23. Psalms
  24. Messalë (Proverbs ch 1–24)
  25. Tägsas (“Reproof”; Proverbs ch 25–31)
  26. Wisdom of Solomon
  27. Ecclesiastes
  28. Song of Songs
  29. Isaiah
  30. Jeremiah (incl. Lamentations, Letter of Jeremiah, Baruch and 4 Baruch)
  31. Ezekiel
  32. Daniel
  33. Hosea
  34. Amos
  35. Micah
  36. Joel
  37. Obadiah
  38. Jonah
  39. Nahum (or Nahium)
  40. Habakkuk
  41. Zephaniah
  42. Haggai
  43. Zechariah
  44. Malachi
  45. Sirach
  46. Josippon
  47. New Testament[1]
  48. Matthew
  49. Mark
  50. Luke
  51. John
  52. Acts
  53. Romans
  54. I Corinthians
  55. II Corinthians
  56. Galatians
  57. Ephesians
  58. Philippians
  59. Colossians
  60. I Thessalonians
  61. II Thessalonians
  62. I Timothy
  63. II Timothy
  64. Titus
  65. Philemon
  66. Hebrews
  67. I Peter
  68. II Peter
  69. I John
  70. II John
  71. III John
  72. James
  73. Jude
  74. Revelation
  75. Sinodos
  76. Ser`atä Seyon (30 canons)
  77. Te’ezaz (71 canons)
  78. Gessew (56 canons)
  79. Abtelis (81 canons)
  80. I-II Covenant
  81. Ethiopic Clement
  82. Ethiopic Didascalia


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